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Writer's pictureNadia Renata

"Weathering the Storm: A Comprehensive Guide to Hurricane Preparation

Satellite image of a Hurricane

Hurricane Beryl just passed through the region. She is officially the first hurricane to develop in the Atlantic this early in the season on record. Despite the fact that the Caribbean is susceptible to hurricanes to the point where we have a period within our rainy season referred to as the Hurricane Season, many citizens still wait for the notice of a hurricane before putting things in place to prepare for one, with sometimes disastrous effects. I implore you not to wait until last minute. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you prepare yourself and your family for a hurricane.

Hurricanes are powerful and potentially devastating natural disasters. Preparing for them involves a combination of planning, securing your home, and having the right supplies. This guide outlines essential steps to ensure your safety and minimize potential damage.

Before the Hurricane Season

  1. Understand Your Risk:

    1. Know if you live in a hurricane-prone area.

    2. Familiarize yourself with local evacuation routes.

  2. Insurance Check:

    1. Review your homeowners or renters insurance policy.

    2. Consider flood insurance as standard policies usually don’t cover flooding.

  3. Emergency Plan:

    1. Develop a family emergency plan.

    2. Assign roles and responsibilities.

    3. Choose a meeting spot and emergency contact outside the affected area.

When a Hurricane is Approaching

  1. Stay Informed:

    1. Monitor weather updates via TV, radio, or online sources.

    2. Sign up for emergency alerts.

  2. Secure Your Home:

    1. Install storm shutters or board up windows with plywood.

    2. Bring outdoor furniture and decorations inside.

    3. Secure loose items that can become projectiles in high winds. Don't forget plants and other gardening items.

  3. Emergency Kit:

    1. Assemble a disaster supply kit with essentials:

    2. Water (one gallon per person per day for at least three days)

    3. Non-perishable food (at least a three-day supply). If you have pets, don't forget to include their food as well.

    4. Battery-powered or hand-crank radio

    5. Flashlight and extra batteries

    6. First aid kit

    7. Medications and medical supplies

    8. Multi-purpose tool

    9. Personal hygiene items

    10. Copies of personal documents (birth certificates, passports, insurance policies, identification, bank account records)

    11. Cell phone with chargers

    12. Cash

    13. Emergency blankets

    14. Local maps, especially with the routes to assigned emergency shelters

    15. A list of emergency numbers.

  4. Prepare Your Vehicle:

    1. Ensure your car is in good working condition.

    2. Keep the gas tank full.

    3. Stock the vehicle with emergency supplies and a change of clothes for every member of your family.

During the Hurricane

  1. Evacuate if Instructed:

    1. Follow local authority instructions for evacuation.

    2. Leave as early as possible to avoid being caught in traffic.

  2. Stay Indoors:

    1. Stay away from windows and glass doors.

    2. Take refuge in a small interior room, closet, or hallway on the lowest level.

  3. Power and Water:

    1. Turn off utilities if instructed to do so.

    2. Avoid using electrical appliances and stay away from electrical outlets if flooding occurs.

After the Hurricane

  1. Stay Informed:

    1. Continue to monitor local news for updates and instructions.

  2. Safety First:

    1. Avoid flooded areas and downed power lines.

    2. If you are remaining in your homes which is in a flooded area, avoid trying to walk through or swim in flood waters.

    3. Be cautious of structural damage and unstable buildings.

  3. Check on Others:

    1. Contact family and friends to let them know you’re safe.

    2. Help neighbors if it’s safe to do so, especially those who may need special assistance like the elderly or disabled.

  4. Document Damage:

    1. Take photos of any damage for insurance purposes.

    2. Begin the process of filing insurance claims as soon as possible.

Additional Tips

  • Backup Power: Consider having a generator for backup power.

  • Pets: Have a plan for your pets, especially if you need to evacuate, including food, water, and any medications.

  • Communication: Have a battery-powered radio to stay informed in case of power outages.

  • Community Resources: Know the locations of local shelters and community resources.

By following these steps, you can better prepare for a hurricane and protect yourself, your family, and your property. Preparation is key to minimizing the impact of these powerful storms. Stay safe and stay prepared!

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